To be downloaded on the internet the special issue on food of a magazine which is not usually devoted to food, Mode de Recherche, n°13, Janvier 2010. The issue is entitled "Gastronomie, cycles de mode et consommation.
The Institut français de la Mode (which has at its head Pierre Bergé) has devoted its January issue to gastronomy. There are 6 articles which are all interesting in their own ways : "Sur l'idée de nouveauté en cuisine" by Bénédict Beaugé; "L'esthétisation de lappétit ou le développement de la cuisine par la mode" by Luca Vercelloni or "L'alimentation résiste-t-elle aux tendances?" by Olivier Assouly etc.
Cooking and baking seem to be rooted in "terroir", history, patrimony whereas fashion feeds on newness, the change in tastes, the globalization of consumer practices, designer labels. But recently gastronomy has come to resemble fashion very much in how it promotes and markets itself. This very interesting issue of Mode de Recherche studies and explains why and how this has happenned.
Food for thought, as they fittingly say in English. De quoi réfléchir, donc.
Cooking and baking seem to be rooted in "terroir", history, patrimony whereas fashion feeds on newness, the change in tastes, the globalization of consumer practices, designer labels. But recently gastronomy has come to resemble fashion very much in how it promotes and markets itself. This very interesting issue of Mode de Recherche studies and explains why and how this has happenned.
Food for thought, as they fittingly say in English. De quoi réfléchir, donc.